Club Chartered  23rd April 1979
 Sponsored by  Rotary Club of Adelaide West
 The Charter Board Members were:
 President  John Clayton
 Secretary  Hilton Vickers
 Treasurer  Peter Butcher
 Directors  Vic Grimmet, Bruce Taylor, Don Knowles, Don Ware
 Sergeant  Terry Saunderson (still an active member)


Brief Club History

In 1978, the then, Past District Governor Alan Smith suggested forming a new Rotary Club. On the 12th  September 1978, a special meeting of the Adelaide West Club Extension Committee resolved to “encourage the formation of a new Club”. The task of establishing the new club was delegated to the late Jack Turner, a Past President (PP) of Adelaide West and a Past District Governor. On the 12th February 1979 an interest meeting was held when thirty one people attended. That was  closely followed by an inaugural meeting on the 27th February.

After completing the necessary paperwork the new club was admitted to Rotary International on 23rd April 1979, with 26 Charter members forming the “Rotary Club of West Torrens”. In 2011, Flinders Park Rotary Club regretfully handed in its charter to Rotary International after membership had fallen to six members. The Club had served the communities of Allenby Gardens, Beverley, Flinders Park, and Welland. Fortunately for West Torrens Rotary, its members chose wisely when they decided to join West Torrens.

Since its creation the club has been involved in many local and international projects and organisations: These include, Mary Potter Hospice, Ronald Macdonald House, Mathew Roberts Leukaemia Foundation, “Our Patch”, Errington Special School, National Railway Museum at Port Adelaide, National Youth Science Forum, St Jude’s School in Tanzania, Nazareth Outreach program in Timor Leste. We still have links with many of these organisations.