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We maintain our on going support for  Food Bank.

As a result of the Covid pandemic our operations have changed as indeed the organization itself went through some restructuring.    Our once single team comprising both Rotary members and friends of Rotary has morphed into two teams working on alternate Mondays. Rotary members  comprise one team and the Friends the other. Both teams are now largely involved in preparing food packs for distribution to regional Food Bank hubs and re-packing donations into manageable crates for the different hubs.

The nature of our input has changed according to the needs of the organizations and the societal pressures placed Food bank.  The  original  program of volunteering on Fridays has grown from monthly visits to weekly  cycles. We have gone through different cycles which have involved unpacking and organizing donation in the warehouse to preparing and packing family food packs for distribution.  No matter what we do, we  work along side other volunteers in a productive and cheerful environment to complete our designated tasks. There certainly is a degree of satisfaction in knowing we were contributing to the successful operation of a respected, valued and needed organization.

Visit Foodbank Website


Preparing food packs and stacking them in storage bins  ready for distribution to the various Food Bank hubs


Jackson, and CEO, Greg from Foodbank with Rotarian Cate, our club contact. Group pic including Rotarians and Friends of Rotary who assist at Foodbank.